With the Texas weather giving us hints toward springtime this week, we couldn't help but head outdoors for some sunshine and vitamin D. Little birds chirping right outside the window early in the morning, reminded me that we had some leftover supplies for making bird feeders. This little "craft" is so easy to do with a bunch of kiddos and something even I have enough patience to do! Teaching them to knit... uh, not so much patience for that. Brett couldn't wait to get started when he found out what we were doing.
We ended up attracting a few more birds than we had bargained for. Hello Chickens!
Rocky says "It's nice to share".
Or not... I laughed when I took this picture as that silly Guinea's head popped up just as I took it. It's like the hen is saying "Hey! She was taking my picture!". I think she is giving him the stink eye.
Pine cones and peanut butter - spread it on thick.
Roll it in birdseed. This combo is so good for the winter birds when there isn't much food to be found.
Your fingers will get plenty sticky.
And that's just fine with Brett who preferred to lick his clean. He seemed to really like the birdseed too...
All finished! Hoping some bright red ribbon will help attract the little birds and bring them to the house for us to watch. Brett wants you to know that this is
his bird feeder. Such a beautiful day!
Look what was waiting for them inside! Grandma arrived with lunch and fun Valentine's treats. I love that she does this for us once a week. It gives me a break from thinking about what to feed them for lunch and it gives her something to do - she loves it too I think.
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24